TOYH02 Georgie Muir Chasing Lobsters

TOYH02 Georgie Muir Chasing Lobsters

A bit about Chasing Lobsters

Welcome to Think Outside Your Hive Episode 2 with Georgie Muir who runs a coaching company called Chasing Lobsters. I met Georgie studying chiropractic at the AECC - one of the world’s leading universities for chiropractic, situated in Bournemouth, England. We hit it off immediately, but it wasnt until we travelled round the south of france in a tent that I knew I had in Georgie a friend for life. Though at the time she was very driven towards her goal to become a chiropractor, there were already signs that her life and career could expand much further than the rigid confines that studying such a specialised subject often have. Her interests, much like my own were varied, with helping and healing as a primary focus. 

Georgie is hugely personable - you only need to spend two minutes in her company to know this woman has wisdom that extends into so many different facets of life.

It made complete sense to me when she branched out into life coaching, using all the skills learnt from her work as a chiropractor and those innately within her to build a new business. And she has thrived in her new role, growing the business from a wellness blog to what it is today.

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We’ve experienced things at similar times Georgie and I - most recently figuring out motherhood whilst running a business - and more specifically, owning that dual purpose in life. This made her a perfect first guest for me. I found our conversation so easy; two old friends sharing experiences, inspiring one another and putting the world to rights. Her shrewd analysis of self (and others) along with her unique ways of dealing with the every day by compartmentalising her life is something I feel everyone needs to hear.

So what can you expect from this podcast? Well, Georgie’s certainly a guest who has learnt to roll with the punches. Her life took a drastic turn when, travelling with her husband for his work in the army, they arrived in the US only for Georgie to discover she wouldn’t be able to practice chiropractic there (we’ll explain why in the podcast). Feeling a little lost but still with so much to explore, to say and to share, Georgie started a blog - Chasing Lobsters - documenting her journey along the way. It gained a fair bit of traction, which then became something else entirely. She’s a great example of how, when you boil something down to it’s core, and build from that, you can find fulfilment in ways you never expected.

So have a listen (subscribe!!) and leave a comment - we’d love to know what you think of our chat!

Suz x


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Suzie Millar  0:18 
Welcome to Think Outside Your Hive. Today's guest is Georgie Muir who runs a coaching company called Chasing Lobsters. I met Georgie studying chiropractic at the AECC, one of the world's leading universities for chiropractic situated in Bournemouth, England, we hit it off immediately. But it wasn't until we traveled around the south of France in a tent that I knew I had in Georgie a friend for life. Though at the time she was very driven towards her goal to become a chiropractor. There were already signs that her life and career could expand much farther than the rigid confines that studying such a specialized subject often have. Her interests much like my own were varied. With helping and healing as a primary focus. Georgie is hugely personable. You only need to spend two minutes in her company to know that this woman has wisdom that extends into so many different facets of life. We've experienced things that similar times, Georgie and I, most recently figuring out motherhood whilst running a business, and more specifically owning that purpose in life. This made her a perfect first guest for me, her shrewd analysis of self and others, along with her unique ways of dealing with the everyday by compartmentalizing her life is something I feel everyone needs to hear. She's a great example of how when you boil something down to its core and build from that, you can find fulfillment in ways you never expected. So have a listen, subscribe and leave a comment. We'd love to know what you think of our chat.

Okay, George, thanks so much for coming on the podcast, I'm so grateful to you. The reason I wanted you to come on here is because I absolutely love what you're doing with the chasing lobsters coaching. And it's got a really interesting name, and an interesting background about it. And just wondered if you could tell us a bit about it.

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  2:04 
Thank you for being so lovely there chasing lobsters, is now we'll start with what it where it started rather than what it is now. So chasing lobsters began for me in 2014 when my husband's career in the army took us overseas to America. And at the time, I was working as a chiropractor. And where I was at this weird point of realizing that when we got to America, I wasn't going to be able to continue my practice as a chiropractor. And I had a real struggle with that. And when I say struggle, I mean, full blown meltdown, identity crisis. What am I and who am I if I'm not being chiropractor

Suzie Millar  2:47 
you weren't allowed to do chiropractic in the States.

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  2:50 
So the interesting thing is, I say that I can't, I could have but it would have taken a long time to complete all of my international us board exams. And on top of that, my local state board exams, and for the two years that we there were there, I would have only been able to practice for about four or five months of that entire time. And after assessing the financial sort of input, time input, we just decided it wasn't worth it. And so in that, in that almost restriction actually came at a huge amount of freedom. And that was something that I recognized after a conversation with my dad, which is really reflective of many conversations of my dad, with my dad of well, the world is your lobster, you get to do what you want to do. And when he found out we're going to America that's when you'll see the world's your lobster. Does them

Suzie Millar  3:45 
just the lobster spit? Is it because you did your dad say like the world your lobster instead of the world's your oyster

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  3:52 
because 100% Yeah, just that he says literally that I think it's um, there was a there's a comedy sketch apparently, that where he says the world's you might even be dell boy in Only Fools and Horses, but it's something like that. And so my dad's always said lobsters rather than oysters, even though we've all known that the phrase oysters, he's always said lobsters. So I started blogging about the things that I felt were inspiring to others, but also a real testament to what I wanted for myself in life. So career sort of learning, exercise, nutrition, relationship goals, travel goals, fitness goals, just anything that I really loved that I wanted to bring forward for me, I shared and I shared with the hope that it kept me inspired, but also inspired others along the way. And that was the birth of chasing lobsters. And then did you do it for the entire time that you were in the states then and did it grow organically whilst you were? Did it turn into something else whilst you were there? Or did it take you coming home for it to change? It's quite funny. I looked back and I thought it was maybe going to be the next deliciously Ella, which my aversion to Anything recipe is hilarious. I thought it might go down the nutrition or the sort of fitness bloggie style thing. But I really just continue to share, continue to share what was present for me. And from there very organically, people started reaching out to me and saying, I, you know, I love what you're doing. Can you help me? exercise more frequently? Can you help me lose weight, I'm not happy at the moment. And I don't know what to do any advice. And so there was this very raw, real connection from people I didn't know, messaging me saying, I love what you're doing. And I'd love you to help. And being in America, where coaching is very much more mainstream than it was in the UK, I feel that it was a real combination of right time, right place, right things happening. And so I started looking into the sort of business manual, hang on a minute, this is something I love this My favorite part of being a chiropractor, done in a way that is all online, and potentially is a real business here. And so I started looking into that sort of the coaching process. And I'm just, with all the time I had, I just was a sponge, I read, I listened, I hired a coach myself and started being coached. And it really then just became clearer and clearer to me that my role for me to really chase my lobsters. And for me to really build a life that I love, and one that feels really great for me. It was about starting with, well, what do I want? And how can I then design my work and design my creation and expression to really suit that. And a big part of that was the location freedom and the financial return that that actually coaching presented allowed me to travel with Graham all over the world without my career having to be paused. And without there being that sort of risk.

Suzie Millar  7:00 
And is because obviously Graham's he gets posted every two years, you have to shift places, don't you? So you've gone to the US, you've been in Turkey, you've been back in the UK, that wouldn't have been conducive to the chiropractic

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  7:13 
is challenging. That's part of the power, I think of any healing art and healing practices is a built relationship. And it's this this space of trust and safety and knowing and that's something that you really build over time, whether you're a chiropractor, or a coach or a personal trainer. And so yes, it's absolutely possible. And for a while, on the way back from the States, I still did it. I came back to the UK when I couldn't find local practice I locum so I would travel all over the UK to keep my practice going as a chiropractor, at the same time having coaching clients on the side. And it was when we moved them to Turkey. And I became pregnant with my first son that I really stepped into that commitment of No, this is what I'm meant to be doing this coaching, chasing lobsters building that platform regenerating that space of healing and growth for people is 100% where I meant to be.

Suzie Millar  8:06 
That's great. And do you miss chiropractic at all?

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  8:10 
I feel it's still with me. And I really still feel that it's a part of what I what I bring. Although not on the practical side of things, just that sort of embodied health and essence of energy and the understanding of the nervous system. It's how I interact with my clients. It's all still part of my practice. And while there are parts of it I love the working with a professional sportsman, the babies the elderly, the quick transformation, that's possible. There are bits and bobs in that yes, I miss but do do I miss it? I really don't it's it is such a part of an evolution, if you like into the way I work these days,

Suzie Millar  8:53 
it makes sense to me as well that you've gone down this route because you've always been someone that you know if I have a problem and then I can ask you and you're just so honest about things and you kind of get to the root of the cause rather than them you know going 'Oh, there there Don't worry about it'. Sometimes that's the actual solution but really makes sense that you've gone down this route and do you know with because it's completely grown from a blog. It's not a blog anymore, although I know you do do blogging. Now it's full on coaching and people sign up for how many weeks at a time and where do you see that going next?

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  9:32 
So the the big coating is such a fundamental core part of it. And it always will be and my practice at the moment is is is very much the coaching its the holding space for people one to one where we really look at what it is that they do want to generate for themselves in their lives making sure the why behind that is coming from a really lovely place and a kind place not a 'I'm not good enough' I am place.. and clearing out any nonsense in around that. So that we can then start to really consistently get them in motion of generating the things that they love and the things that make them feel good, and have them feeling excited and like that they're on their path to really chasing their lobsters and being in alignment with their lobsters. So that's, I do that both in one to one consultations, and then a couple of times a year, I host a group program that just allows that sort of more basic process access to lots. And then I have a free group that, again, offers things so at the moment, it's very much on the coaching sort of centric side of things. But the big picture is to really have this platform for personal growth and personal development, that is really an amazing space where people have access to lots of resources, whether that be materials of self study, or coaching that is both affordable. And and that deeper dive with the one to one work, there really is it really is a hub for all sorts of things that people really need help getting out of their own way and into the practice of chasing their lobsters and living the life that has them feeling great.

Suzie Millar  11:12 
you mean an online platform?

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  11:16 
Yeah, because for me, the the the freedom that the online world presents to me sustaining my family life is so important. It is absolutely up there. Now, does that mean I don't see retreats and sort of weekend workshops and physical form connection? No, but the main body of resources are going to be online. Because people need that accessibility really, I believe these days,

Suzie Millar  11:46 
I think that that kind of that sort of immediacy that you get online, is going to continue, isn't it rather than for you to actually your business is perfectly set up for, for this.

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  11:58 
Yeah, and there have been a couple of things recently COVID included that have made me so grateful for the fact that I had not that foresight to a global pandemic, but the commitment to generate what I was feeling called to because I was able to work the whole way through last year up until I went on maternity leave again. And then more recently, again, my return to work after maternity leave, we would do to be having moved house already. And then the army actually had an issue with the house we're moving to so I moved that was meant to happen a couple of weeks ago has been postponed till May. And again had my work not been brought online. It would have really been a kick to that and a real challenge. And it's just one of those aha moments of Yes, well done me for saying that. That was something I wanted, but actually him taking the steps to really make it happen. Yeah, absolutely.

Suzie Millar  12:54 
And on that, then what do you because now you have two kids? How on earth? Do you balance it all? Like what do you have any tips for moms out there that are trying to do this sort of stuff.

Unknown Speaker  13:04 
So I think my biggest thing is to first admit that it has not come easily. And that finding this balance, bear in mind that I'm I'm really only just back into the swing of working and finding that balance with two kids and an impending house, and a dog and personal goals and personal needs as a mom and as a wife, and as a family and you know, all these things. And being a wife having a ratio, I don't actually wish but at the time, I was wishing that I was this sort of bound mother who had everything she possibly needed in that moment in her child. And actually, the more I learned and the more I know as a coach, and the more I embody that learning is not only is that not necessary to be a great mother, it's also not always healthy. And that is I think freeing again, to just own my religion, my relationship with my work, it is a real passion of mine, and allow that to be part of my family life. Not something that has to be kept in the shadows, not something that has to be sort of shamed into the corner. Because it's a beautiful part of who I am. It's a beautiful part of who you are. And to any working moms out there who who loves her work so much or just feels cool to be somewhere other than in that mother seat. Then power to you. Because there's a reason that desire is inside.

Suzie Millar  14:30 
Absolutely and when because whenever you'd sit I'd have a conversation with you about it and you took me told me that's the way you're feeling. And then I ended up working all day the next day and I just felt so alive and then I thought you know, feeling alive and then bringing that feeling of a lot of being alive to your child surely has to be better than sitting there going. I cannot watch another episode of paw patrol

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  14:58 
and that kind of brings me back bit to the practical side of what you asked of how how have I set that up. And for me, it's about having very clear containers for my work. So it's very clear boundaries to when I'm in work mode. And when I'm not, because when I know I've got that space, and it has to be enough space for me to feel that I am doing all the work I want to do, if it isn't enough space, this isn't going to work, because it's going to leak still. But if I really give myself permission to own how much time I want, for my work, and I set that container, the freedom that that then provides outside of it, because you know, you've got your work covered in that time in that container is present with my kids, you know, not distracted, because I'm working when I'm not working. And I had for me to get to that point, I had to admit that I wanted to work a lot more than I had previously admitted I wanted to work. I was trying to minimize it. I was trying to minimize how much I wanted to work, squeeze it in around things. And as soon as I embraced know, I want more. And and I really just own that ask for it. So I think really just the compassion of the career curiosity to finding your balance is really, really key. And letting it be your balance, not the balance that's dictated by, you know, your neighbor or your friend or you know, the book or the blog, really giving yourself permission on the back of that curious exploration to be like, this is what I've discovered. This is what feels good for me. And that is ultimately in the highest service of every month in and around me.

Suzie Millar  16:35 
Yeah, because one thing that you said, I find really inspiring whenever you were kind of going through that was that you suddenly had this realization that you actually really like working, but you feel really guilty. That's your mom, you're like, I feel really guilty that I don't want to spend 24 hours a day. Kids. That's right. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  16:56 
Yeah, absolutely. And that was, that was something that for me, came very early on. And then being here my brain was, was wanting to work, my brain was inspired. And I was wanting to jot things down. And I was wanting to be creative with, you know, courses and practices. And and then there was this judgment of No, no, you mustn't do that. You're a mum, he's a newborn. And I really, if I didn't have that, and even even with those tools, it was challenging it that the judgment reared her head, and the guilt sort of flared up. And I really had to speak to my coaches and speak to my friends honestly about it, not so that they validated me, although that's always helpful. But really, so I could just step into honesty with where I was within the process. And going do you know what, saying to grant all my brain wants to do is think about what they're all these demands, and striking the balance is, it hasn't come like a click of the fingers, and I have all the tools. So I just really want to sort of Prime, anything with a real acknowledgement of process. I definitely love leaning into systems. And the trouble is, if I'm too rigid with myself, and I don't leave whitespace and I don't need room for flexibility, I'll rebel. And I say that I have done so much work on myself. I know myself so well that this is how I've learned these practices are best met. So for example, I know that I do one load of laundry every day. Okay, and that that happens. And it drives my husband potty because sometimes it happens at like 10 o'clock at night when we're just going to bed. He's like, Why are you putting a load of laundry on? And I just know that because if I do that I keep on top of things. And that just protects my workspace and therefore my outside space.

Suzie Millar  18:46 
And did anyone have a problem with you ring fencing it?

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  18:49 
No, I mean, there were some logistical, practical juggling things. But you really in that moment, you have to stay the course you have to know why you're asking for the this need to be met. Because it's very easy to have that realization of Oh, if I had this, and then you meet challenge when you're practically implementing it. And you go, okay, don't worry, I don't need to backtrack, backtrack. And how do you because you're

Suzie Millar  19:14 
really, really good. going. Okay, this is my work time. This is my kids time. But how do you also do tidying time and exercise time and making food time and all that? Do you divide it up? Are you really really just like, okay, from this time to this time I'm doing this or is it some of the just organic

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  19:33 
So firstly, I'm not really good at it. I really have that intention to be really good at it. And I am very good at it most of the time, but I'm constantly learning practice for me. So I just wanted to really bring that human and that it's okay for you to find it hard. It's okay for us to to juggle and reflect and then juggle again and reflect and trusting that if you're there in that juggle with your selfing kindness, and you're there with yourself in that experimentation with curiosity and love and a real acknowledgement of what you're trying to do and who you are rather than what you're not. And what you're what you aren't being, then you're going to find your solution a whole lot quicker. Definitely having structures and systems using my schedule. is powerful for me, it definitely is supportive for me.

Suzie Millar  20:27 
And do you have these? So do you kind of have a sort of semi rigid structure wherever during the week? And then weekends are free for all? Or is it? Is it always flow

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  20:36 
that way? Yeah, we can time is his his family time, it is time for for whatever, wherever, whenever, and what feels good. And I love that as as I have learned to try and ring fence the evenings as well, because I would work. I would work all the time. And that's when I say about really checking what's fueling my desire to work, it's so important, because that sets you up for burnout for overworking for missing out on the family time that actually your heart calls for, you've really got to check the fuel in underneath these desires.

Suzie Millar  21:14 
Is there any part of your work? Because obviously, we've gotten a lot about what you love about it, which is Don't you like,

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  21:22 
I think one of the that stretches for me less than now, but initially was receiving financial return for my gifts. Okay. So asking for money. In other words, I would have coached my socks off for free till the cows came home. But what I realized was energetically that there was no fair exchange. So I was giving, giving, giving. And actually, although I loved that, that support valid, you know, I always there was always that sort of validation of supporting others and being a good person. It wasn't enough for the output. And so I really had to look at, you know, what is my worth? What is the value that I'm giving in the work that I do? And am I asking for it? Because if I'm not asking for it, then I'm undervaluing myself. And that's never going to feel good. So that historically was a real challenge for me, you know, I love creating I love writing I love. I love coaching. I don't love integrating email sequence chains, I don't creating merge tags or, you know, segments or lead pages for the courses that I can't wait host that I don't want to have them, pull all the tech pieces together to make it happen. I just want everyone to know that it's happening and turn up and be that doing it. So the practical stuff behind the travel is all of that stuff is necessary for a passion to be a business. Yeah,

Suzie Millar  22:51 
that's it, you really you can't just do stuff that you Well, you can and what you've just described is exactly how you do it. You in the beginning, you have to do those bits and pieces for yourself. But then you get to a stage where you're like, actually, I don't really like it, it takes me a long period of time, my energy would be way better going into this particular thing. So you can outsource them,

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  23:12 
thank goodness, there are people that you can outsource it to say, and people who are in their zone of genius doing it that is their jam, that is that thing. And the more you can really give people permission permission to step into that space for you. Suddenly, things just unfold so much faster. Because you're doing your genius, you're expressing your intent. They're expressing their genius. And the collaboration of that is just something that's so brilliant, and bright and beautiful.

Suzie Millar  23:39 
So, obviously, we run a company called the Scottish bee company, it's all about bees. So a question that I find really interesting to ask and I try to ask most people is who's in your hive? And what I mean by that is do you keep certain people in your hive that can help you navigate where you're going?

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  23:59 
I love this question. So cool. Um, and I hadn't really thought about framing that way. So yeah, love it. So who is in my hive? So the first people are right, my husband. He has from day one of us meeting seen me in a way that I don't think I even saw myself. And that that gave me such permission to go and explore me because I knew he already loved me. And I am so blessed and so lucky to have met this magical man. Now don't get me wrong. It doesn't mean we don't have our challenges but he is front and foremost in my hive. He is he is my cheerleader and everything else. And really in in that area. There are my nearest and dearest friends, those who I can pick up the phone and be vulnerably myself with and there aren't loads of loads and loads of those people that are just really a handful, and they are the people that I lean on families that is a different one because family are, they are so in my high.

So my hives, and they bring such value. But they are also the people who have who, you know, challenge me in ways that yeah, that friends don't necessarily. And I, I am very, very grateful for the beauty that my family bring, and the challenges because it really does lead to a lot of supportive unraveling. And I think the last people would be my fictional people. And my fictional people are really on the back of embodying and embracing this concept of you are the average of those that you spend your time with. And if you are posted by the army to the middle of nowhere, or your you know, you don't have access to these amazing hubs of brilliant business people and business women, then you have to find them. And so they may not be down the road, but they are online, and they are in audiobooks, and they are in podcasts, and there are lots of people that that that means it means my coaches, and it means authors such as Bernie Brown, well prinny you please come into my hi fi wonderful, as well as people who have taught me structure and, and support and, and discipline in a way of Tim Ferriss is somebody who's highly disciplined, yeah, highly disciplined, but allows flexing curiosity around it. That's what his discipline always enables. So I've really learned a lot from him and the people that he has interviewed. Oh, Brooke Castillo is another person, she's a life coach, she has an amazing Life Coach School, and she offers a lot of, again, sort of tools and strategies for showing up that are more in that sort of disciplined focused, making it happen way as opposed to perhaps more of the other bees in my hive being more about that vulnerable feminine expression of flow,

Suzie Millar  27:30 
I find that so interesting that you talk about the feminine and the discipline, actually, because I think that that's probably something that I myself need to work on. One side of things, I think, probably a lot of the time when I'm doing when I'm disciplining, when I'm trying to keep structure in my life, I actually feel like I'm punishing myself, you know, like, I'm doing it probably from a bad place, rather than actually, this discipline is going to facilitate me being able to be free. That's what that sounds like. You're saying, Yeah,

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  28:02 
totally, totally, totally. That's it's such a beautiful way of saying it, it really is about and masculine and feminine energies. It's not denied to a man and a woman. It's something we all have inside of each and every one of us, we have both. And it's it's purely that the masculine energy tends to be more one of doing and feminine, more one of being. And it's that balance that allows real emergence and real evolvement as you ask yourself, and as you say, if the masculine can therefore be used to provide a container and a structure, oh, the most beautiful analogy I heard for this was the other day with one of my coaching friends who would be in my house. And she said, it's like the, the water in the glass. Without the glass. The water is, is formless, it's lost, yet the glass sets a container for the water to still flow and the water to be together, you know, and I just thought that it's such a beautiful vision

Suzie Millar  29:03 
image, we're looking at it completely inspired. I'm going to start reading more about discipline. So you're obviously married to somebody that's in the army, you have to move around every couple of years. One of the things that I was really keen to know is how on earth do you do that? Like, how does it feel? How does is it stressful? Do you embrace it?

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  29:26 
my default is to hunker down, yeah, and zip it up, and to crack on. I'm not feeling I'm okay. Everything is fine. Let's just keep going. We can make this happen. We can do this go. I've learned that that is rarely healthy, and it is certainly not my truth. Because my truth within all of the change is that it feels destabilizing for me. And I feel vulnerable and I feel afraid and I feel nervous. As soon as I own that, I could then start to learn how to support myself within that. And so when changes afoot for me, I know that my self care practices have support safety and being seen being heard. They have to come. So front and center. Otherwise I hunkered down, I switch off, I disconnect, I move away from my support systems rather than leaning into them. And again, that is that is after a lot of analysis. And actually, it was a coach who challenged me, Christine Hassler,

another beautiful coach.

She challenged me that I struggled with change, because I was like, No, I love change. I love all the moving. I love all the going places. I love all the all the excitement, excitement. And on one level, I really, really do underneath that is probably like the little girl in me going, Oh, my goodness gracious me, what are we doing? This is terrifying. And so now I know that I have to make space for her to

Suzie Millar  31:07 
and what what are those things? Obviously, you've touched on them from a sort of emotional level. But is there anything that you physically do during those times that to help you there or to regroup? or?

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  31:21 
Yeah, so I journal more. Okay, I, I grabbed my journal, and I just let myself write, and really just what comes through for me, I try and meditate more, again, that kind of just brings me inward, rather than that outward look of RIGHT, WE'RE GOING Let's go, let's do doo doo doo doo. It's like, No, no, let's just connect and see how I am doing within it. And then it is making sure that those containers are set for me. So making sure that the childcare that's gonna allow me to work is in place at the other end. And the space for my movement and exercise is, is still being honored. It is really just knowing that that's what feels supportive to me. And during a time of transition, it is so important that those things still come through more important. And this is the pattern and I preach this from the hilltops in your moment of need, when things are feeling challenging for you when things are whether externally or internally put in a state of unrest and change. That is when you need to be there with yourself. Do not abandon yourself, do not check out. And I say that from experience, because that's what I used to do, hunker down, check out, get on with it, cope. And then it would lead to a crash.

Suzie Millar  32:45 
And I guess, unfortunately, when you're in fight or flight, so if there's something major happening in your life, you don't necessarily have that pause moment to be able to check in on yourself. And so like you said, those sorts of things can be hunkering down and just getting on with things are essential, because you have to get through that period of time. But I guess, then it's about recognizing, okay, I now need to I need to come back to looking after myself again. And hopefully each time you go through that it happens quicker.

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  33:15 
Yeah, yeah. And I think I think that's where you have to lean into curiosity and not judgment. So however things unfold, just just be really curious about how would that not because moving for us, it's a it's a it's a recurrent thing. So it's something I have looked to learn from, I've looked to how can that feel less stressful next time, because we're going to do it again, it might be a case of, if you don't move every time hunkering down to get through that one time. It's not going to kick you in the backside, because you got through. But if this is a recurrent pattern, it's a recurrent sort of thing within your life. And I do really encourage you to be curious about how it felt for you, you know, what might perhaps be more supported next time? Is there anything that you maybe need to release that you're not that you're holding on to that isn't helpful? And really do give it to give it the airtime that it needs. There are some things that actually you'll just be able to be like, you know what, that was a bit messy, but we got through it, and I really honor you, well done. What's next?

Suzie Millar  34:21 
Most of my life, but that's okay, so what do you do for fun? Oh, what do I do for fun?

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  34:31 
I take time to Graham and to just you know, watch a series together and maybe have a nice drink like I love. I love drinks. I

love alcohol.

I love food, you know, and although I don't drink much, I really love it when I do. And I think so many people sort of almost feel shame around that. I'm

like, No, I

love this. So I really yeah doing this thing, things that I love playing or being more present with my Keeps allowing myself to be a bit silly with them. And dancing, running around outside with the dog when she's being, you know, silly and playful. It's, I think having children, for me is a really beautiful reminder every day to not be too serious and to have fun and to allow that playfulness and that lightness into my life every day. Otherwise, it can get a bit heavy, and it can get a bit deep.

Suzie Millar  35:29 
It's nice. They just don't care. They just do whatever they want. So, so free. Yeah, my son walked in the other day with a Towel that's in the shape of a lion. And he was just wandering around roaring and roaring. And I thought I would love to be that free to be able to say I would be able to make people laugh by going into a room with the lions. I will. Anyway, okay, thank you so much for coming on this podcast, it's been an absolute delight to talk to you as always, as anyway, I know you've got two kids and you just go to move but I really can't see that you're gonna have any problems there because you've got all your systems in place. But dehumanised because you will have issues, but there'll be great, but you know, when I do, I'll be able to contact my lovely friends and I'll be able to say it's happening again.

Georgie - Chasing Lobsters  36:26 
And I really thank you for having me here and sharing and you know how much I adore the Scottish bee company and everything that you stand for. It's it's a really great business. So it's a real pleasure to be here.

Suzie Millar  36:38 
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